Event Registration (Tournaments) Tournament Sign-up Form for signing up kisd for various tournament events. Tournament Registration Selection*Choose the tournament you would like to register for:Phil Charte 12.8NHWAY Novice 12.15PJ Sora 12.22Timberlane Youth 12.29Chelmsford Youth Tournament 1.5Tomahawk Throwdown 1.19John Spohn 1.26NHWAY Duals 2.9NHWAY States-6U, 8U, 10U 2.16NHWAY States-12U, girls 15U 2.23NHWAY States-15U 3.2YNEW 3.15-3.16Merrimack Mayhem 1.12 (5-8th grade only)Last Name*Enter the wrestler's last nameFirst Name*Enter wrestler's first nameGrade*Select the wrestler's gradeK12345678Weight*Enter weightPlease enter a value between 20 and 200.Parent / Guardian Name*Enter parent or guardian name that is responsible for signing upEmail*Thank you for registering Enter Email Confirm Email NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.